Sowing the SeeDs : Part 13 a fanfic by Greenbeans with His lordship Chaos edited by Helen Fong based on the world of Final Fantasy 8 created by Square Electronic Arts L.L.C. At the Headmaster's request, Kei was the one to greet the Dollet party when that arrived at Balamb station. The children recognized her at first sight and immediately paid their respects. For her part, Kei was polite (except for rolling her eyes at her cousin while the children were bowed at the waist to her). Eugene and the kids piled into the passenger compartment of the transport Kei drove while the cousins took the cab. It gave them the opportunity to speak privately. "Be nice, Kei," Xu warned once they were settled and underway. Kei arched an eyebrow, "Aren't I always nice?" She glanced over long enough to catch Xu giving her The Look. Kei scowled and tightened her grip on the wheel. "You want me to humor them, don't you?" "I do. They have exacting expectations of us. Whether we want to be or not, to them we're role models." "You don't need to scold me. I always act professionally as a SeeD," Kei replied. That earned her another look. Admittedly, her not so long forgotten scuffle with Enju came to mind. But that wasn't to what Xu was referring. Xu expected her to act like an Anshin role model. The grimace on Kei's face only deepened. Instead of answering Xu, she guided the conversation elsewhere. "Living arrangements have been made for the children. They'll be paired up with cadets who are further along in their training and have a room to themselves. Five people have already volunteered to act as hosts, including Quistis. Their partners will escort them and provide all the assistance they can. You might want to give our volunteers an additional crash course in Anshin etiquette once we get back. I covered the basics, but you know that manners were never my strong suit." The concern that had clouded Xu's face lifted some. It was obviously a subject she'd wanted to discuss, but hadn't breached yet. "Do you know how long we'll be laid over at Balamb before returning them?" "A week, possibly more. A lot's happened in a very short period of time. Things need to be sorted out before we start mixing it up again, don't you agree?" For once, Xu was the one wishing to rush ahead and finish this matter, but she could see the prudence behind delaying their return. There were still threads of the investigation that were ongoing. Dollet may wish to question the witnesses further, especially with regards to the criminal prosecution of those ring members they had apprehended. A row of five uniformed cadets stood at attention with Cid at their head to welcome the newcomers. The Anshin by upbringing appreciated rigidly defined structures; a military greeting would make an impression on the children and create less stress than the informal affair Cid would have preferred. As the children piled out of the transport, Xu quickly appraised their hosts. She noted that Quistis was the youngest of them, but looked to be the same age as those she stood with. Each of them was a good choice for the task at hand. Their Anshin guests gawked at their surroundings. If the Parking Garage impressed them, the rest of the Garden would leave them speechless. Their reception went as well as it could have. The children were reluctant to pair off with the cadets. What made the situation even worse was that there were an unmatched number of males to females. Cid arbitrarily decided that the extra Anshin boy would pair up with Quistis. No one protested the pairing, though Kei had half a mind to. If she didn't know her own clan well enough to realize that he wouldn't make a move on Quistis without first getting her father's permission, she'd have protested. "Eugene and Xu, you're free to get settled. If you'd join me in my office when you're finished, Xu, I would appreciate it. Eugene, we'll speak in the morning. Kei is going to take our guests on a tour of the Garden," Cid gave them all a measured look before heading off. "Will you be all right?" Xu asked her cousin once the Headmaster was gone. Kei nodded. "Don't worry, I'll behave," she smirked. Quistis and her charge looked each other over. He was one of the older ones if she didn't miss her guess. Even still, he was shorter than she was. His long black hair was pulled back into a loose braid that was kept forward over his left shoulder. "Kren," he said, patting his chest with his right hand. "Quistis," she answered, mimicking his gesture. He fumbled trying to repeat her name. After several attempts that were more amusing than insulting Quistis offered Kei's solution. He grasped to the pronunciation and repeated it easily. "Kwis okay?" "Ah..." she wasn't used to having anyone shorten her name. Her personality was definitely that of a Quistis, not 'Quisty' nor 'Quis'. But, she was willing to make an exception in this case and nodded her approval. The tour Kei led them on was thorough if not somewhat exhaustive. She maintained a constant stream of explanation in both standard and Anshin, though her comments leaned more towards being in standard. The group stopped at the requisition room during their tour to order some clothes for their guests. They would be wearing uniforms like their counterparts since there were plenty of those on hand for immediate use. Quistis purposefully ignored the looks Kren stole out of the corner of his eye. To someone who had always seen the same type of people, she must be utterly fascinating with blonde hair, blue eyes, and extra centimeters. Perhaps she looked as exotic to him as he looked to her? Carefully she hid a smile. Rooming together should prove to be interesting. ***** The meeting with Cid was meant to be an informal one. Xu's post-mission report couldn't possibly be finished yet. Once they were both seated with a cup of hot tea in hand, he begun. "You've done well, much better than I would have expected. Agent Lockrush has yet to stop singing the praises of you and Eugene. To say that our relations with Dollet have been improved would be an understatement." "Thank you, sir," she said modestly. Personally, she felt as though she had failed to some degree by not protecting Ruze. There was no way she could have saved him in that situation. She had replayed the gruesome scene in her mind countless times feeding the demons of 'what if', but there was no 'what if' to indulge. There was no other end that could have resulted considering the scenario. "Setting that matter aside for the time being, I wish to discuss who you will be taking with you when you return the Anshin children. You'll be going, of course, and I would feel better if you took Kei as well," he said. "That's what I was going to ask for. Do we need to bring anyone else?" She asked. He shrugged slightly. "I don't know. If I were you, I would keep my options open and discuss the possibilities with my team member." Was Cid trying to tell her something obliquely? Did Kei present some ideas to the Headmaster regarding this and now he wants her to get the suggestions from the source? "I'll speak with Kei," Xu agreed. "Anything else?" "Yes. Things haven't gone as I had hoped with you taking over as the Garden's Weapons Master. This is no fault of your own I must emphasize. I see now that you were correct when you said that you couldn't do it all. So I've made a request of the Weapons Guild for a Master to come instruct here. Having another Master will give me the freedom to assign you elsewhere if need be." Xu held her breath as he spoke. She tried not to take that personally. He stretched a hand out to give hers a firm squeeze. "You're more valuable to me than I realized. I want to keep my options with you as open as possible. Your talents shouldn't be tied down to a training room any more than they should be tied down to a classroom. If I need to play my ace, I want to have it up my sleeve instead of already down on the table!" "That makes sense," she allowed. It did in a twisted logic sort of way. Then again, Cid Kramer's form of logic was one she was still learning how to follow. "Good! Along that same idea, Balamb is going to start sending more SeeDs to Galbadia for Instructor's training. I have nothing against the Shumi, mind you, but I want to diversify my teaching staff." It seemed to her that he was up to reshuffling the infrastructure of the Garden. All his moves within the last couple of months were with the intent of changing how things were currently done. Was it time for a review of how Garden conducted its business or was there something motivating him that she couldn't see? Already she could tell that she would have much to think about tonight. Maybe she should put off talking with Kei until she'd digested what Cid had to say... "There is one more matter I would like to cover," he gestured to a stack of papers sitting on the corner of his desk. "These are the applications for prospective students. You know what sort of qualities we look for in a potential SeeD. I'd like you to weed out the unfavorable ones and turn in the ones you think deserve further consideration. The Shumi already have a rotation in place for covering your teaching obligations, so I would like you to focus on getting this done before you leave again." "Ah, yes sir." Xu eyeballed the tall stack of applications and sighed inwardly. It was just as well that they were being delayed a week, that's how long it will take her to sort these applications. "I appreciate your help. It always takes me so long to work through the applications. Having you do the initial cut should shorten the process considerably," he beamed at her. Reluctantly Xu returned his smile. There was no rest for the weary. ***** Enju watched Quistis and her new friend out of the corner of his eye. They were sitting together, eating lunch, and laughing at something. He knew that the guy was one of the Anshin kids that were rescued. Cid placed them into the same classes as their partner. The Garden was supposed to treat them like they would any other new sprout. Enju wanted to kick his ass. He shook the idea off and focused on his meal. It wasn't Quistis' fault that the guy was hanging off of her. It wasn't Enju's fault that it made him more jealous than he wished to admit. The guy wouldn't be around for long. He just had to avoid making an ass of himself while the Anshin were here and Quistis would be none the wiser. Unaware of the attention being directed their way, Quistis continued to show Kren the illustrated guide to Balamb's monsters. At first he protested even looking through the book. It didn't seem as though he was afraid of the monsters as it was some sort of taboo against looking at them. Once Kren was coaxed into looking at the pictures, he was hooked. He had his 'favorites' like Quistis did when she was younger and didn't have to fight them. The Glacial Eyes where what fascinated him. Admittedly, they were interesting enough to cause anyone not caught in the heat of battle to pause and take a longer look. Having Kren here was a treat for several reasons. He had a thirst for knowledge that matched her own and was as curious to learn about her and she was to learn about him. The only barrier standing between them was language. In Quistis' opinion they understood each other better than the other pairings did (he knew some very basic standard), but it still wasn't enough. Both of them worked vigorously to bridge the lingual gap between them. ***** Xu was so intent on the application she was reviewing that she didn't hear the knocking on her door until it had become a solid pounding. The rhythm of the pounding could only be Kei. Few people knew the secret knock to get into their childhood hideout.. "If you're so bent on seeing me why not let yourself in?" Xu chided after opening the door. "That would be rude," Kei replied smugly. Xu didn't bother pointing out how her pounding on the door could be considered rude in and of itself. Kei sat herself down on a corner of the small couch that was free of papers. There were many neat stacks of them on the table in front of the couch and on the cushions themselves. "I see that you're hard at work here. You should come out once in a while and visit the rest of us. Quistis is all grown up now and has had her first child," Kei teased. "Funny," Xu intoned while carefully relocating a stack of papers so Kei would have a place to sit. "You think I'm kidding?" Kei grinned mischievously. "Okay, she may not have had her first child yet, but things are heating up. Kren is completely heads over heels for her -- won't shut up, in fact. Last I heard he was trying to figure out who her guardian was since her parents are dead." "You seem to be amused by the situation. Did Quistis find a guy you approve of?" Xu commented wryly. There was no question that Kei would need to approve of the choice or she would make said male's life a living hell (Enju being a case in point to the extreme). The fact that Kei was taking an Anshin courting Quistis with any sort of good humor was out of character. "Of course I don't approve," Kei replied lightly. "But I don't have to scare him off because of the rod stuck up his butt. For once tradition has saved me a bit of work." Xu crossed her arms and glared. "All you'd have to do is tell him to lay off and he would. He respects you as a Spirit. You don't have to manipulate the system to make it work." The insufferable grin didn't leave Kei's face. She was enjoying the current situation far more than she ought. Xu sighed and began massaging the bridge of her nose. "Did you have some other reason to disturb me besides rumor mongering?" "Yes, I wanted to discuss who you would be taking with us when we go to Centra. I know that Cid said the decisions regarding the mission were yours to make, but I'd like to offer some suggestions." Xu gestured for her to keep talking. "I think Enju should come along." Xu was visibly startled by the suggestion. That was the last thing she would have expected out of Kei. "Are you playing a game with me? That's the second unheard of comment you've made. Next you're going to ask to borrow one of my dresses, aren't you?" Kei shook her head. "I'm serious. I think he should speak with the elders like we did. He's like us and we both know it. Maybe they'll have a few words of wisdom for him or something like that. At the very least we could figure out what he's the Spirit of." "That's a reasonable suggestion," Xu conceded. "I'll consider it. Anything else?" Her cousin wasn't as quick with her next recommendation. "I think we should bring Quistis along as well." "That's four people escorting five. One could do the job, two is nice, three is pushing it but can still be justified. What's your reasoning for having her tag along." Kei paused a moment to gather her arguments. She knew justifying Quistis' involvement would be the toughest part. "I can't give you as logical of reason as I can for Enju," she admitted slowly. "She wants to know about us so much, it's like that cadet you had me escort. I don't think the Headmaster would object and she would learn a lot from the opportunity." "This is the third surprise then, you advocating for Quistis." Xu smiled softly. "I'll think about it and let you know." ***** At Enju's request Xu agreed to a private training session like the ones they enjoyed before she went on assignment. It'd been weeks since she'd last gotten a good workout. The prospect of aching muscles after such a long pause in training wasn't one she looked forward to. But by the same token, she very much wanted to return to her old routine. Enju was already there when she arrived. Xu locked the door before going into the locker room to change. When she came out, he was still standing on the main mat in his cadet uniform. "Aren't you going to change?" She asked, stretching her arms out as she walked towards him. "Later." Enju slowly removed the sunglasses from over his eyes, unzipped his overshirt and tucked them into an inner pocket. His hand remained, and then pulled a small object out. "I respect you too much to keep a secret from you," he said, solemnly looking down at the item instead of looking at Xu. Abruptly he lifted his head and tossed it to her. "Here. I believe this belongs to you." Quick reflexes snatched the item from the air before it hit the ground. The blood drained from Xu's face as she saw what it was. "This is... Tsing's purse... from the night Ruze was murdered." Dawning realization told her who Ruze's killer was. She looked at the cadet standing before her. She didn't want to believe that it was Enju. A dark smile played at his lips, viciously betraying his role. "It's rather humorous, actually. I merely dressed up in the gang colors of the Steelsharks. They claimed to have murdered Ruze all by themselves, even when they knew it was someone else. Only an idiot would lay claim to something that can lead to a prison sentence." Xu wanted to deafen herself to the words he was speaking. For perhaps the first time ever, she was clearly seeing him as the Angel of Death. And it frightened her. All of her efforts to build up trust between them were gone, washed away in a crimson tide that had been Ruze's blood. Her eyes begged him to tell her that he'd come by the purse by some other means. Spirits, please let it not be him! Enju broke free of her pleading eyes to stare firmly at the mat. "I won't apologize for killing him, Mistress Xu. Like you, I was doing what I was ordered." An odd laugh came from him. "Strange. Even here I cannot escape what I do best. The clients always change, but the contract never does." His gaze returned to her. "I am sorry for attacking you, though. I wouldn't have bothered disabling you except that I have a justifiable fear of your ability to kill me." He paused to frown. "That other SeeD wasn't supposed to be there. But the encounter turned out as well as it could have, I suppose." Xu let her weak knees lower her to the mat. She sat with her head held between her hands as his version of events sunk in. "Who ordered you to kill Ruze?" "There's only one man I take orders from now," Enju pointed out. "I owe him a lot, and when he approached me about this mission, I seized it. Killing Ruze -- among others that night -- was my first chance to repay the debt I still owe him." Xu's head snapped up in sudden revelation. "You... You killed Travers too." "It's harder to make a murder look like suicide. Difficult, but not impossible," Enju remarked with an indifferent shrug. "His position granted him diplomatic immunity; all evidence against him would be rendered useless. Nothing short of death would have delivered Travers into the hands of justice." Her stomach knotted even further. "Why are you telling me this? Why are you doing this to me?" She demanded. It was all she could to keep herself from shouting at him. Enju was so damned cool about what had happened. Like it meant nothing! "As I said before, Mistress Xu, I respect you too much to keep a secret like this from you. I've been watching you ever since you came back; what happened that night still has you shaken up. The last thing I want is to be the cause for you losing your edge. "I honestly can't understand why you're so upset. If anything, you should be thanking me for killing Ruze. That slimy fuck was about to take you right there in the alley, and you would have let him. You would have lost your-" "Shut up!" Xu exclaimed. She'd never yelled at anyone like that before, especially a student. But the truth of Enju's words struck too close to home. He stiffened in sensing he'd tread one step too far. His shark-like eyes watched her body tense up. Watched her own eyes drill at him. Inwardly he swore at himself for having crossed the line and not realized it sooner. "I apologize," he offered, his voice quieter. "But I'm not asking for forgiveness. I can live with what I did that night. You should speak with the Headmaster; he's the one who arranged this entire mission. If anyone can put all the pieces together, it's you." Xu turned away, waving him off. "Go. We'll do your training session another time." He bowed as respectfully as one could to a Master before leaving. Even though he could hide it well enough from others, Xu saw the hurt in his eyes at her dismissal of him. Purposefully she pushed herself up from the mat and went to her office. She put a call in to Cid's office to find out if the Headmaster was in and available to speak with her. He agreed immediately to see her. She spent several long moments with her head leaned up against the broad double doors of Cid's office that separated her and the Headmaster before having the nerve to enter. He looked up from the papers he was reading, then came around the desk to greet her. Inwardly, she felt as though she was going to be ill. "You wished to see me? You couldn't have possibly finished reviewing those applications yet. Do you have some question regarding them?" His head bobbed and arms moved in all the little gestures she'd come to recognize as being part of Cid Kramer's ebullient personality. "Please," she pulled away from him. Concern instantly registered on his face as he withdrew from her. "What is it Xu?" She took a deep breath to forestall the nausea that threatened to overtake her. "Why did Enju kill Ruze? Why did you betray my mission?" She did choke on the second question. "Sit," he directed her towards one of the chairs before his desk. He paced behind his own chair as he explained slowly. "There is a history behind my actions you don't know about. These criminals have been a long-standing obstacle to SeeD's success. After years of helplessness I finally had the opportunity to exact the punishment they so richly deserved." Xu swallowed the persistent lump in her throat. "You didn't have to do anything. I had the names they needed. Dollet could bring them to justice without you lifting a finger," she protested. "So you say," he murmured softly. "This isn't the first time we've had them. The last time I let the inefficient government handle the matter. Corruption was rooted as deeply then as it was this time and they got off with only a slap on the wrists. They returned to their pits and continued their illegal activities, taking more care to cover their tracks. I learned from my mistake. If it was within my means, they wouldn't be allowed to escape twice." He gave her a long, thoughtful look. "Again, I commend your actions during your assignment. You did better than I could have ever hoped." He stopped his pacing altogether. When his eyes met hers they were not the kind eyes of the bumbling Headmaster Balamb loved. They were of a man who had a very calculating mind and the means to carry out the carefully crafted plans it devised. "Your mission was to give SeeD plausible deniability in this matter. If one of our own were injured when Ruze was murdered, it would direct the accusatory finger elsewhere. You so won the trust of the Dollet agents that they didn't even give the possibility a second thought." Any shred of stoicism Xu had left was obliterated. He used her as a decoy to keep the blame from falling onto SeeD. A part of her had to concede that the plan was genius, but it didn't make her feel any better. "Despite our best efforts, one person remains at large. I can take some comfort in knowing that the weeds have been knocked back, but I realize they'll keep returning until we crush them entirely." Cid edged his glasses further up his nose with a fingertip. "I still don't see how child smugglers could be such a threat to SeeD," she admitted. No one wanted to see children being kidnapped and abused, but wouldn't something like Galbadia's military pose a greater threat? "Someday, Xu, let me tell you about my children," he sighed heavily. The conversation was taking as much out of him as it was from her. "Being mercenaries is well and good, but SeeD has a greater calling than this. I'm not satisfied with where we are now and I won't rest until we've answered our calling." "Which is..?" The Headmaster's mouth quirked into a slight smile and he shrugged. "Do you know what your calling is? Are you able to identify that one thing that drives you to be the person that you are? What is that voice that whispers in the back of your mind telling you that you can't rest yet? "Discontentment is as much a motivator as that unidentifiable quality which pressures all the SeeDs here to be better than the average military grunt. I don't think I'm wrong when I say that it's a quality you possess in a generous amount. That's why I challenge you, use you, perhaps even abuse you to some extent. In the end, it's with the hope of helping you be everything you can and more." Xu sat very still with her hands folded in her lap and her head bowed. What he spoke of... It was like finally having someone understand her. Her father didn't understand what she could only explain in child's terms. How Cid explained it was like that of an adult clarifying the matter for her. "I'm going to think on it," she stood up. He gave her a sympathetic nod. "If you want to talking about things further, you know where to find me. I remind you not to discuss these matters with others." "Of course, sir," she left his office feeling sufficiently drained. When she returned to her room she ignored the blinking light on her terminal indicating that she had a message. Instead she stripped down and fell into bed. No one saw her again until class the next morning. ***** Enju shuffled off to his secluded locker in the corner of the guy's locker room. No one ever came back to speak with him as he prepared for the day's lesson. Long ago he'd discouraged them from either including him in the locker room gossip or the juvenile pranks they indulged in. That didn't mean neither of them took place. Just that he wasn't a part of it. "Hey, didja see Quistis with that Anshin boy?" A voice behind a row of lockers called over to someone across the room from him. Where Enju was, he couldn't see the person speaking or the person he was hoping to get a response from. "Yeah man, my heart's breaking. With all these good looking fellows here she'd have to fall for a foreigner." Came the reply. "Don't let Kei hear you say that," a third chimed in. "I hear that she's endorsing them. Of course, she'd favor anyone over Enju's advances." The first laughed. "No kidding and not that I blame her. Quistis deserves someone who isn't a ruffian. She could easily do better than him for a boyfriend." "You're assuming they were a couple to begin with!" The third crowed. "That's what Enju would like to believe." The guy at the far end of the room agreed. It was the first workout session of the day, and thus it was too early in the morning for this shit. Enju tugged on his sweat pants before pulling the drawstring tight and tucking his shirt in. The urge to smash their faces into their lockers was tempting, but he'd already played the 'rough 'em up' card once. He wouldn't get away with that again. With his head held high he strode to the workout area. The instigator met his eyes and smirk. Damn him! He knew Enju was back there and was purposefully egging him on. Enju didn't respond to him. The locker room wasn't the place for mixing it up. Not when he could justifiably smear him in the next room. It was the first time in nearly three weeks that Xu had taught the class instead of a Shumi. Her lesson focused on unarmed combat. The subject was one he'd gone to great pains (both literally and figuratively) to improve in. When it came time for sparring, he enthusiastically volunteered to be the instigator's partner when Xu was matching them up. If she give him an odd look for his unusual exuberance to fight someone, he paid it no heed. His challenger smirked, knowing the true reason for his enthusiasm. Enju made no moves beyond the scope of the lesson. Diligently he practiced the punch kick combo that they were taught without putting undue force behind his strikes. Xu came around to watch them for a moment, adjusted his footing slightly, and then continued making her rounds of the students. "It's rather cheeky of you to speak of Quistis like you do," Enju said lightly between movements. His partner kept up his guard. "At least I don't hound her like a dog." "Quistis is my girl," Enju replied evenly. "Perhaps you should tell her that?" His opponent smirked. The smirk was quickly displaced as his training partner 'accidentally' let his guard slip and Enju's punch went through his defense. He coughed, trying to get the wind back in his lungs after a solid punch that lifted him up off of his feet. "I don't have to," Enju whispered harshly, withdrawing from his partner when Xu came over to see what happened. She sent his partner to the benches to catch his breath and called someone else over to practice against him. The red haired cadet crackled his knuckles before leaning back into a guarded stance. "You being a smart ass today?" Enju's lips spread into a thin smile. "What do you mean? This is me playing nice," he replied. That was nothing short of the truth, he reflected. Not long ago he would have killed his instigator without so much as a second thought. Now he sent his message home without even being reprimanded. School was a place for learning new tricks, after all. Xu taught one more class after the one Enju attended. She needed a break from the monotony of the task Cid set about her. She needed to get her mind off of other things. The training room was where she felt the most comfortable. It was her sanctuary from the demands of the rest of the world. Duty required that she leave that haven sooner than she would have preferred. There were countless applications for her to review still. Most of them fell into the undesirable category. A few were borderline and a meager handful had passed her strict judgment. She worked for an hour before a knocking at her door interrupted her. Checking the chronometer she noted that it was nearly lunchtime. Perhaps Kei had taken it upon herself to drag Xu away from her work for a bite to eat. It came as no small surprise when Doctor Kadowaki greeted her. Xu tried to recall the last time she'd seen the Doctor outside of the Infirmary and couldn't. She knew that Kadowaki maintained quarters at the Garden when she didn't return to her home in Balamb, but she'd never seen the Doctor wandering around like students tended to after their day was done. "Doctor, may I help you?" Xu asked politely, unable to fathom what could have drawn Kadowaki from her den. "May I come in?" She asked in turn. Xu stepped aside to allow her passage. Kadowaki spent a few moments taking in her surroundings while Xu cleared her a spot to sit. The applications had been moved aside so many times already that once more wouldn't hurt. "Truth be told, it was I who was hoping to help you," the elder woman said. The number of fine wrinkles around her mouth increased as she frowned slightly. "I keep telling Cid not to abuse his star pupils. I'm afraid that he's out done himself this time. I wouldn't blame you -- nor would he -- if you were thoroughly enraged with him after what he's done." Her tone was that of a grandmother who was weary from scolding an oft-rebellious grandson. "Why would I be angry with him?" Xu asked carefully. She could think of a few reasons, but she didn't want to tip her hand until she knew exactly where Kadowaki was going with this. Kadowaki's eyes nearly creased shut as she regarded the SeeD over a pair of half-framed spectacles. "You're too generous, child. Cid violated your trust in him. He's worried sick that when you return home with the children that you won't come back. That's why he asked me to speak with you... in hopes of mending the breech." "Oh," Xu flopped down on the couch and sighed. "There really isn't much more to be said on that matter. I was given my orders. I carried them out. Everything happened as he planned. SeeD's reputation for getting the job done is strengthened. The end." Kadowaki's frown only deepened at Xu's easy dismissal of the issue. "Let me tell you a story. Once there was an Anshin girl wandering the streets of Dollet's capital. Upon discovery she was brought to the Headmaster's attention." Xu nodded, already knowing the story. Kadowaki was talking about Kei. What she hadn't known came next. "Cid thought that she must have been a victim of the smugglers. How else would she manage to stray so far away from home? His first impulse was to send her back from whence she came, but the child seemed to resist the idea. It was Balamb Garden's first year of operation and he was desperate for students. Against better judgment he admitted her into his school. "Bluntly put, Kei did horribly. She was barely able to keep up with the conversation when someone spoke to her, never mind her studies that required reading and writing. Cid was quite put out by this apparent failure." Xu knew that Kei had a hard time during her first year at Balamb, but not that it was so memorably bad. From how Kadowaki described it she must have been at the bottom of her class. "When Cid received an application for admittance from an Anshin girl the following year he was prepared to refuse it outright. He was having enough problems breaking down the language barrier with one Anshin. The last thing he needed was to have two on his hands. What promise could the girl possibly hold for becoming a SeeD? She was raised in a tradition that was completely at odds with what he was trying to create. The Anshin were too foreign, and too different to fit in with the Garden philosophy. Despite that line of reasoning he took a chance on the long shot." Xu didn't answer. She'd spent so much time fighting to succeed at Balamb that she never realized what a risk Cid had taken by even admitting her. When she looked at it from the perspective Kadowaki presented, no person in their right mind would have taken her into a military academy. Not when she had only the most cursory knowledge of the country's language and came from a place that frowns upon aggressive interactions. Kadowaki paused to take Xu's hand up in her own. "The day he admitted you, he took a gamble that paid off handsomely. When it came to defeating the smugglers, he put his most valued SeeD on the line and hoped that his luck would hold out. He did accomplish his ends, but the price they came at is one that is still being determined. "I can't tell you how to think or feel, but I can tell you what I know. You weren't here a month before Cid had his eye on you for 'bigger and better' things, as he put it. He's watched you grow with the enthusiasm of a gardener tending a prized plant. You continue to surpass his expectations for you. Whenever you present him with a new achievement he's like a proud father wanting to show off his daughter. That actually might be the best way to describe it." Kadowaki tapped a fingertip against her lips thoughtfully as she considered it. "Even so, Cid isn't so proud as to not admit when he's done something wrong." The Doctor stopped. "I'm sorry, I've babbled on and you've hardly said anything since I arrived." "No," Xu shook off her apology. "You've given me a lot to think about." Kadowaki gave her hand one final pat before standing. "Indeed I have. Don't neglect getting something for lunch." Xu nodded. Before the Doctor could leave Xu asked a final question. "Where do you see me being in ten years?" Kadowaki paused. "In ten years? If you aren't running the place, you'll be running around it trying to keep Cid out of mischief." "So much for things getting easier," Xu quipped with a half-smile. Kadowaki returned the gesture. "That's the spirit." After her talk with Kadowaki, Xu decided to take a walk. It had been far too long since the last time she wandered around the Garden to simply admire its beauty. She was acutely aware of being guilty of taking such things for granted. She sat down at one of the many benches lining the fountain that circled the inner circumference of the 'gear'. From the position she took she could watch the comings and goings of the Garden's populous without drawing attention to herself. When did the school admit all these students? She arrived during its second year, when there were barely enough people to justify having an 'older' student and 'younger' student division in the classes. Her mind recalled a time when the Cafeteria was only open during a very narrow window of opportunity. Back then, it *was* an extra effort to have foods available that she and Kei could eat (unlike now when they weren't the only vegetarians). She watched her hand as she ran it along the smooth wood surface of the bench. She then slid it under the lip and ran it to a familiar place. Distastefully she withdrew her hand when she found the glob of dried chewing gum that Kei placed there years ago. Every student left their mark on this place -- be it a piece of gum the janitors never found, or by the echoes of their legacy. What sort of mark did she leave on the Garden? She'd always taken things so seriously... Maybe she was too serious to appreciate the finer points of Garden life. Or perhaps it was her drive that set an example to the students to never give up. Even if she didn't leave a legacy as a student, she had ample opportunity to mold the future of SeeD through the training of its members. Being an Instructor was the most daunting, yet humbling task Cid could have given her. These people's lives depended upon her ability to train them well. The Headmaster gave her charge of shaping part of SeeD's foundation. Was there no more important duty than to prepare the next generation? That's what he had done by taking the actions that he did. It was clear to her now that Cid directed the murder of Ruze and Travers. The coincidental death of Galker shortly before Dollet issued a warrant for his arrest was likely Cid's doing as well, though she couldn't prove that. He systematically eliminated those people who he saw as a threat to children -- as a threat to the future. Having an assassin of Enju's caliber in his debt meant that the task would be all too easy. The Steelsharks foolishly played into the trap that was set for others. Their desire to destroy the competition lead to their own undoing. Another thought occurred to her. Kadowaki mentioned that they thought Kei was one of the smuggled children. That would mean this has been going on for nine years, if not longer. How many other Anshin had be kidnapped during that time and taken from their homeland? Were Anshin her age out there who lived the life of a slave? The trial to earn a name was never meant to have such an edge to it! "Yo," Kei gently nudged the toe of Xu's loafers with her boots to get her attention. "You've been staring straight at my chest without seeing me for the last few minutes. If you're going to meditate, you should do it in your room." She scolded lightly. Xu gave her head a shake to clear her mind. "I was just thinking." "Oh... About what?" "About... everything. About us... The Garden... SeeD..." her voice trailed off as she observed Quistis at the far end of the corridor. She was breaking up an argument between those two boys that Xu had banished from the training room a few months back. Once they had been properly reprimanded, Quistis turned her attention back to Kren. He seemed puzzled by what had just occurred and tried valiantly to understand as Quistis explained it to him. They walked away from where Xu and Kei were seated, disappearing around a corner. "She's going to be the Garden's legacy," Xu murmured thoughtfully. "Who, Quistis? We've all done our best to give her every chance to excel, but she wouldn't have gotten nearly as far as she has without the desire to succeed. You can give a man a book, but you can't make him read it. In her case, it was more the problem of finding a book to give her that she hadn't read yet." "Where do you think she learned that -- her desire to succeed?" Kei hummed and leaned back onto the bench with her arms crossed over her chest. "That's a tough one. You can teach someone the tools to succeed, but I believe that you have to possess the desire to use them in the first place. With time, a person may learn to desire success, but that's a case of the seed being planted and just not growing. Kind of like it wasn't coaxed out of the ground until some external event gave it reason to grow. It could be water, maybe a nice warm sunbeam, or perhaps the gardener put a fertilizer spike in next to it. Whatever the case, the seed has to be there in the first place." Her cousin leaned forward and was now watching people as intently as Xu had been a few minutes earlier. "Everyone here has the potential. You can see it in how they carry themselves purposefully. Their days aren't empty vessels of an unfulfilled life. And you're like that gardener; you draw the seed out of them. "For as good as Quistis is, I doubt she'd be quite as sharp if it weren't for your example. Did you know that she gives you full credit for teaching her good study habits? In turn, that's the example she sets with her study groups." Kei dragged her attention back from the people watching to regard Xu. "It didn't surprise me one bit when Cid sent you to Galbadia. Pissed me off, yes, surprised me, no. You needed the tools for being a gardener -- an Instructor. It's a position that suits you well." "Usually it's me who's advising you. When did you get to be so wise?" Xu gave her cousin a playful hip shot. With a rare display of public affection Kei pulled Xu into a warm hug. "I'm just a wise ass who has a few shining moments." "Thanks Kei," Xu returned the hug with interest. She was feeling better about herself already. When Kei and Xu decided to eat dinner together later that evening they discovered that the Cafeteria was already packed with hungry cadets. This wasn't an unusual occurrence. When it did happen, they tended to get their meals and then return to one or the other's quarters to eat. With trays in hand and heading out the door, someone called for them to wait. In the back corner of the room several tables had been pulled together to form a large island of tables that cadets vied for space at. "Won't you join us?" The cadet invited, while his classmates packed in even closer together to make room. The five Anshin and their escorts were at the island along with several other cadets. The Anshin seemed anxious to have their elders join the group. Kei shrugged and sat herself down at a cleared spot. Xu wound up sitting at the opposite corner from her. Quistis and Kren were near Kei. "Where's Enju?" Xu asked the nearest person to her who might know after a quick survey of who was present showed him to be missing in action. The cadet shrugged. "Haven't seen him since lunch. He seemed real uptight about something." "Maybe he overslept?" Another offered. It was common knowledge that he took afternoon naps when his schedule allowed. Twenty minutes of downtime and he snapped right back up again ready to take on whatever was tossed his way. Some students had taken to mimicking his sleeping schedule after being convinced that it increased productivity. Xu was reassured by how her clansmen weren't shying away from taking part in the conversation. True, what they had to say may be broken and come out slowly, but they were trying. What surprised her was the amount of Anshin and standard that was being mixed together. The hybrid was being used on both sides to facilitate communications. A bemused smile touched her lips as she recalled a time when she couldn't form complete sentences in standard, so she supplemented them with her native language. Kei was also smiling, likely thinking the same thing. Xu discreetly watched Quistis and Kren interact. Of all the pairings they had hit it off the most. Glancing over to Kei, Xu saw that she was also watching the pair from the corner of her eye. Quistis was old enough to make her own decisions regarding relationships. If she wanted advice, Xu was confident that she would seek it out. Unfortunately, Quistis was in such a position that she wouldn't be allowed the luxury of making the decisions on her own. Kei will make her opinion known on the matter whether it was solicited or not. And Xu didn't even want to think about what Enju would do if he were presented with serious competition for Quistis' attentions. It really was odd for him to miss a meal. Where was he? One thing Xu always found comforting about the end of the day was the shower she usually took then. The ritual began with her physical training schedule and the need to wash after her last session was over. Lately, she hadn't the need since her daily routine was so disrupted, but she still sought out the hot waters cascading down on her -- especially after a day like this one. After a relaxing shower she dressed herself in a light, loose fitting robe. She prepared herself a cup of tea and was quite content to spend the rest of the evening curled up in bed with a book. Once the lights were out except for a small reading lamp a shadow in the main room caught her attention. Caution inserted itself as she peered through the half open door of her bedroom. Something or someone was out there, she could *feel* them. She drew a sai from its pouch and held it against her inner forearm. Quietly she slipped into the other room, keeping herself in a guarded stance. The presence she felt stiffened, knowing that it was about to be discovered. It tried to blend further back into the darkness, but Xu had a lock on its position now. She lunged forward, knocking one of the intruder's wrists with the prongs of her sai. She felt the sai strike something hard, a metallic sound echoing as her attack was quickly deflected. However, that left Xu's other hand free to wrap around the person's throat. Her iron grip clenched their windpipe, daring them to move if they wished to continue living. "Is this the way you greet all your guests, Mistress?" a rough voice managed to choke out. Xu recognized its owner immediately and withdrew her hand. "Dammit, Enju," she growled while flipping on the lights. "I almost killed you." "So I noticed," he coughed, rubbing his throat. It wasn't often that someone got the jump on him. Then again, for once he wasn't sneaking into a residence to kill. Yet Xu had certainly given him a scare by digging her strong fingers into his throat. "How did you get in here?" she demanded. "I wanted to talk with you, but I didn't think you'd be willing to see me after..." His voice drifted off in uncomfortable silence. "Well, you know. A simple lock has never stopped me before. Breaking in here was the best thing I could think of on such short notice." "You need a better strategy. Next time, try knocking." "I'll keep that mind." Xu gave a sigh of exasperation then got him a glass of water to sip from. Enju made himself comfortable on a chair. Tonight he was dressed the part of the assassin in all black. He had even brought some kind of curious sword -- though much to Xu's relief she noted the blades were wrapped in protective covers. Enju removed the outer shirt he wore and folded it neatly before placing it on the table between them. His feather markings were faintly seen due to the glare of the overhead lighting. This time, it was he who was reaching the olive branch out to her. And that visibly unnerved him. "Our last encounter ended on a harsher note than I would have preferred. I'm not so stubborn as to deny I overstepped my boundaries, and I apologize for offending you. But I'm here to offer an explanation -- if you'll hear it." "Please continue," she invited. "You know I'm not a pure and honest soul. Any innocence I had died in Timber. All that remained was a bloody legacy of Death's Angel." Xu knew he was right. She had seen him in action at Galbadia and didn't want to have to see him like that ever again. But now he was telling her something he probably had told no one else in his life: his past, leaving nothing out. Enju laid the tanto sword across his lap. "Before Enju, before Death's Angel, there was a child named Sarkis. When he was around two years old, invading Galbadian forces wiped out his village in Timber. Of his entire village Sarkis alone survived. He was found by a wandering Weapons Master and then taken into the Guild." He stopped talking and looked at random things in the room. It wasn't difficult to see he was still tense about telling her this, about exposing himself and his weaknesses. Enju was finding that he was not reopening old wounds, but discovering that those old wounds had never been closed and given the chance to heal. "When I was Sarkis, I fought against fate vigorously. The idea that someone or something could dictate the direction of my life frustrated me. I refused to believe that my family was supposed to die; in light of that, I felt powerless. Lacking control over any situation was a maddening feeling. And so I accepted the Guild as my chance to reclaim what fate had stolen from me. Sarkis was out to prove fate wrong. "The Weapons Guild provided stability but not necessarily order. Especially not while I was an apprentice to a certain Master named Talasu. The Master's outlook on life was completely contradictory to my own. Where I would try to change the path of a stream, Talasu would flow with it." He smiled in spite of himself, in spite of the way he felt as if a steel-toed boot had kicked in his stomach. "Talasu's lessons were woefully lacking in combat training. Instead he taught history, math, science and many other academic pursuits. Talasu's lessons on philosophy always degenerated into matches to see who could out-stubborn the other. He always had this half cocked idea that I had a calling in life greater than being an apprentice, and took it upon himself to goad his lazy student into learning." Enju paused to shake his head. "Death's Angel was born when Sarkis died at age fourteen. I can still remember why I left two years after I became Talasu's protege, and now more than ever I find it haunting me. Talasu told me I would help change the world, that it was my destiny. I left him to make my own future, to change the world my own way and not his." He stopped, his voice choked on the bitter pill that was his past. "Before I left... Talasu warned me that with my skills, I could only become a killer. At fourteen, I was too young to understand... How much blood had to be shed by my hands to make me see this?" Enju looked back down at the tanto sword in his hand, and then tossed it in Xu's direction. She knew it wasn't aimed at her, and didn't flinch as the covered blade lifted into the air before harmless falling to the floor at her feet. "Take it," he said. "I don't want that weapon anymore; it reminds me too much of what I once was. Maybe you can put it to better use here in the Garden." Xu bent over and picked up the sword. Examining it could be left for another time. She set the bundle on the cushion next to her. "I'll keep it for you until you're ready to reclaim it." He snorted, then continued. "The killer known as Death's Angel took great pains to ensure that no one would find him unless he wished to be found. A persona was built up, along with a reputation for getting the job done. He took on these markings--" He lifted his pale arms, indigo feathers seemingly floating down his skin. "--as part of that lethal persona. "Death's Angel cared for nothing beyond the money and the knowledge that he was defying fate. Now I wonder if he even cared for either of those. He lived day-by-day, by his own rules, as he pleased with no apologies to anyone. "When the issues of his profession became personal, he resigned as only an assassin can: death. Enju was born that day. Yet while I dropped the life of the Angel of Death, I maintained many of his perceptions on life regarding its worth. 'Enju' was born at a disadvantage since he had never worked in an 'honest' trade. I refused to return to the Guild Sarkis had forsaken, or take up the sword left behind by Death's Angel. The only military organization recruiting for someone with my experience was SeeD, but someone like 'Enju' was less than desirable because of SeeD's high standards for conduct. "I tried to con my way into the organization, to slip in unnoticed. How long I hoped to maintain the ruse was something I didn't try to think about. The need to start again was too great to not take the risk. But much to my surprise, the Balamb Headmaster caught me before he had even met Enju. Yet Cid accepted me into his school regardless of history. I would become a SeeD and for the first time in any of my lives be an honest killer." Again, Enju paused in his story. Xu regarded him with a thoughtful expression that gave no hint as to what she was thinking. 'Damn mask,' Enju cursed silently. Such ability was an admirable one, but did little to ease the telling of his tale. "At least, that had been the plan," he continued finally. "I learned things here I didn't think possible. I have lived in the shadow of death since I was a toddler. Most think military training hardens you; to the contrary, the people here have gone out of their way to soften my remorseless heart." He closed his eyes, finding a ray of hope in the midst of his painful recounting. It was all he had left to hold onto these days. Everything he had once been was being stripped away. There was nothing left but the vulnerable little boy he thought he had left behind. But that child had never left. Enju was vaguely aware of a tear falling down his cheek. "Though I'm sure Nym corrupted her a little, I owe Quistis a lot. I think more than anyone else, I was able to rekindle my innocence through her." Enju smiled. "It's easy to get spinning so fast that the world is a blur, but even when it was going its fastest she never forgot to take a few moments to smell the roses, as it were. "She's also given me something to protect. I don't even think in my past lives I cared about protecting myself; I was dead to the world. But now...." His voice trailed off. Xu kept silent, using that to encourage him to continue. This was the first time he'd ever done more talking than the people he was with. He was laying everything before her. "It's amazing how one's outlook changes when they're no longer focused on selfish intentions. I do love her, even if it's not in a way that people would expect from me. Like her, I was orphaned while young and I've found a family here at Balamb. "Myn and Nym have been like the childhood playmates I never had. If I ever needed a co-conspirator or rival, I'd have both in them. Kei, pain in the ass that she is, feels more like an older sister than I'd care to admit. "And you, Mistress, have taught me more than Talasu ever had. You taught me to respect myself and thus respect others. You taught me to respect life. Once I learned that, I was able to learn trust. Trust isn't easy, especially when you have to give it to others." He sighed deeply and turned away. Another tear ran a course down his face. "My life has been changed profoundly during my time spent here. I don't want to think about how things would have turned out if Cid had refused my application. Quite likely I'd be dead by now -- probably by my own hand. It was a miserable, shallow, existence I led before and I *never* want to go back. I have a purpose now. I have a life. That is the debt that I owe Cid Kramer. Doing a bit of laundry for him is small compensation for the service he's done me." He bit down on his lip, trying to fight off the deluge of tears that threatened to spill. Dammit! He was a man, no some blubbering child. The last time he had cried, it was in the wake of his family's death; from then on, he had sworn to never let himself cry again. Sixteen years had passed with a promise kept. And now... He hastily scrubbed his eyes with the back of his arm, trying to stem off the tears. "Enju, it's okay to cry," Xu invited gently. "You feel very passionately about this. There's no shame in letting it show." He swallowed the lump in his throat and collected his composure. "So you say, Mistress. Maybe some day I'll agree with that, but not today." He managed to give her a weak but wry smile as he stood up. His confessional had taken a lot out of him. Xu nodded and rose from her own seat. "Your affection for the Garden is something that we all share. We all hold a place in our hearts for the Headmaster. If he ordered me to go after Ruze instead of you, I would have without reluctance." Unexpectedly Enju leaned forward and brushed a few strands of Xu's hair away from her eyes. With a quiet smile he said, "You know, if you'd been here when I arrived, I honestly wonder if I would have pursued Quistis at all." Xu reached up and took hold of his hand. Giving it a friendly squeeze she answered, "Don't press your luck." His quiet smile turned into an impish grin, and Enju laughed. "I'm glad we had the chance to talk. I feel like things are going to get better from here on out." "I hope so," Xu agreed. "Some peace and quiet would be a nice change of pace." ***** A day passed, and then two without any major revelations or upending of Xu's world. Perhaps, finally, the waters had calmed and she could regain her balance on the pitching boat of life. Kei had visited her during that time to offer what advice she could, but Xu couldn't tell her everything. It wasn't her place to disclose the true reason behind SeeD's co-operation with Dollet. Such dealings made her acquaintance with Michelle a difficult one. It would be hard to speak to her without some lingering guilt. Xu felt remorseful about that. The agent really had tried to build a bond between them. What was done, was done. In the end, Xu had to admit that they accomplished a good through their actions. If only it were possible to always do good and remain honest at the same time! Elsewhere in the Garden near a bench observing one of the many fountains, someone without such lofty moralistic issues tapped on Kei's shoulder. She looked up from the crossword puzzle book she was working on to find Enju nearly standing on top of her as he peered down at her. With an audible sigh Kei closed the book and gave him her best 'what the hell do you want?' look. "You busy this afternoon?" Enju tucked his hands into his trouser pockets and rocked slightly on the balls of his feet. He had a devilish look to him. She recognized it as being that of man on a hunt. But what was his prey? "You're looking at my plans for the day," she held the book up. "'No' in other words." "..." Working on crosswords was a worthy endeavor. He didn't pick on Quistis when she had her nose stuck in a book. Was it so hard to believe that she would spend her time doing something that would be considered a quiet activity? "Why do you ask?" She inquired, not bothering to keep the touch of annoyance she felt at having *him* criticize one of her favorite pastimes out of her voice. Enju shrugged. "No reason. But on a completely unrelated note, I heard that Quistis and Kren are going to Balamb this afternoon. Naturally I said to myself, 'That's a good idea! I should do that too.'" A shark-like grin spread across his face. "And I thought you might be up for joining me." So that was his game, trailing Quistis and Kren around town. She pursed her lips together as she regarded the puzzle book in her hand. "I'm almost finished with one and could use another..." she commented slowly, looking up to meet his eyes. His infuriatingly smug grin only grew as he hooked her onto his plan. "How tragic. I'll catch up with you after class." "You know where to find me," she opened her book to the page marked and settled in to resume working. "Enju, why did you ask me to join you?" She asked, feigning nonchalance as she penned in an answer. She saw him shrug out of the corner of her eye. "You know the saying, 'Keep your enemies close'." "'...And keep your friends closer'..?" She glanced up. The expression of cool indifference that he showed the world at large broke for just moment. "Maybe it was the other way around?" he waved it off. "But don't think this means I like you. I'm being pragmatic here: as a SeeD, you can haul my ass out of trouble." He turned around and stalked away. Kei watched his retreating form with a bemused expression. "Heh, whatever." When it came time for them to go to Balamb Kei pointed out that Kren has never been in a battle and would likely balk if he found himself in such a situation. Enju was inclined towards forcing him to deal with it, but Kei's icy look quickly changed his disposition. She left early to blaze a trail while Enju followed the two students undetected. Diablos would drive the monsters away, but only so far. The trick was to stay far enough back so that he wasn't noticed but they were under the GF's range of protection. Quistis and Kren were dressed in casual clothing. Kei had likewise changed into something more comfortable. Enju wore a long coat over his cadet uniform, making none of them readily identifiable as being from the Garden. Kei met up with Enju shortly after he entered town. By her smug expression he was sure that she saw some action on her way in. Quistis and Kren had passed her without notice and continued into downtown. Now Kei glanced down the road they'd followed, not wanting them to get too far away. Enju placed a hand on her shoulder to hold her back. "Don't worry, Quistis outlined her plans for the afternoon to Kren on the way over. They're going to the pier, a couple shops, then they'll get a bite to eat." Enju refrained from mentioning how much it irritated him that it was Kren she was going out with instead of him. And so the afternoon was spent playing shadow to the young pair. As they did so, Kei's thoughts kept returning to the time when she was a youth in a foreign land trying to understand the strange sights and sounds around her. Kren was doing admirably well compared to the difficulties she had faced. Admittedly, it did help having friends to fall back on. In her case, life before Xu was hellish, but after a companion who understood her arrived things worked themselves out. For Kren, he has six others who understand his situation and a guide who would do everything within her power to bridge the gap between them. Yes, having Quistis assisting him was a great help. She was doing well on picking up common phrases from Kren and his friends. Her strongest asset was her open mind. Kei hadn't once seen her balk when presented with a new idea that may seem strange or backwards to the world in general. Her ability to go with the flow of things would take her far in life. Enju's mind continued on an endless debate as to where he stood with Quistis. She may have decided where they stood, as friends or something more, but that didn't mean he was going to passively let it end there. He didn't want to admit that he was jealous of the boy she was with, but he sure as hell was acting like it. This emotion felt foreign; he'd never acted so territorial before in his life, even when some would-be assassin tried to steal one of his contracts. Of course, he wouldn't kill Kren like he had those others. And that's what Enju realized he didn't like about the situation. Kren was Quistis' age, still growing up as she was very much in the process of doing, but those Anshin hands weren't stained the way his were. Quistis had more in common with the boy than she ever had with him. In light of that, Enju wondered if he'd ever stood a chance from the very beginning at being Quistis' boyfriend. A part of him didn't want to be that close to her either. He was still getting used to the idea of being more than a systematic killer. That meant being willing to open up and that meant exposing weakness. For an assassin, that had always been a death sentence. Xu was the only one who knew everything about him, but that had come at a significant cost for them both. Enju now wondered if he would ever want to settle down. Keeping a fair distance even from friends left him feeling safer. And SeeD gave him a perfect excuse to indulge in that. Having a significant other in this organization was a handicap. He fully agreed with SeeD's reasons for discouraging partnerships from forming. If a partner died, their mate would be adversely affected. His eyes drifted back to where Quistis and Kren were talking. The entire time she was smiling fondly at the Anshin boy. Enju felt his blood boil again as he watched them. No matter what half of him wanted to say, the other half still wanted to be the one Quistis was speaking softly to. So this was the paradox of being human: wanting to remain distant to not get yourself or anyone hurt, and at the same time craving the intimacy of others. He didn't like it. Quistis and Kren held their heads close in conversation, then she sat back and giggled. Enju tightened his fist to keep from slamming it into something, his knuckles cracking from the tension. Kei shot him a questioning look. He shook it off and jutted his chin out for her to keep watching. Talasu's words came back to haunt him. The enemies of his past were near and actively searching for him. It would only be a matter of time before they turned their attentions to the Garden. Enju swore under his breath in a dialect common to 'lost' Esthar. It was something he'd picked up while under Talasu's tutelage. Again, he refrained from hitting something out of frustration. He couldn't leave, not now. It would mean his death spiritually if he left. He doubted it meant his physical death if he stayed; his edge was still there, resting in the back of his mind where he could feel it. The killer's instinct was just waiting to be awakened from its slumber, as it had been when he'd killed Ruze and Travers. But now his concern rested in what that would mean for Balamb Garden; the last thing he wanted were other cadets being killed just so some vendetta-ridden asshole could get a shot at him. And Quistis would never forgive him if she realized he knew beforehand and could have prevented such a tragedy. Life was never fair. Enju didn't whine about that fact. He'd grown up with it, and lived and breathed it. And more so, he'd survived it enough times to understand that this fact could never be altered. In fact, life often spited you just to piss you off, but this was unusually cruel in his opinion. Kei touched his arm lightly to catch his attention then motioned that they were moving. If he overheard the pair correctly, they were going to a diner next for supper. Enju had only been in the place once, but from what he recalled of it, it boasted a few small tables on a balcony that overlooked the establishment. They could watch the action from up above. They claimed their spot before Quistis and Kren arrived. The waiter that came by to take their order was put off when all they requested were drinks. Not knowing how long Quistis and Kren would be here meant that there wasn't a point in ordering a full meal. The two people they were watching for came in. The waiter that had taken their drink order met them at the door. He shook his head firmly in the negative at something Quistis said. She tried to persuade him, but his stood firm on his decision and the two of them left the diner. Kei growled as Enju tightly gripped the fork he was playing with. More than anything, he was staring at Kei. He knew that look in her eyes well enough. "Do you want to rip into him, or shall I?" he inquired. "This one's mine," Kei growled in no uncertain terms. Enju nodded. When the waiter returned with their drinks, Kei confronted him. "Why did you turn those two away?" The waiter waved it off airily. "We don't cater to children who try to skip out on paying their bill." Kei's jaw locked firmly with displeasure. Enju was equally displeased, but his methods were a lot less explosive than Kei's. The assassin in him enjoyed the occasional cat and mouse game. "Have you ever *seen* those two before?" He asked, feigning to be leisurely taking a sip from his drink, his voice echoing like ice. "Kids are all the same," the waiter answered easily. Enju winced as he watched (with some vicious amusement) Kei angrily stand up and say, "Oooh, now that's going to cost you." Both of them were livid at the discrimination shown to one of their own. But Enju wanted to keep himself a tempered as possible -- especially since Kei seemed apt to draw her katana any moment. "Know that you've just insulted the honor of Balamb Garden," Kei snarled. Enju nodded as he calmly rose, making the fact that he was a head taller than the waiter very noticeable. He looked over the man, a thin smile on his face. "No SeeD would skip out on their bill," he stated coldly, inviting the waiter to try and contradict them. Kei pointedly pulled out her wallet and left several times the amount due for their drinks on the table. "That's for next time you consider turning away SeeD's business." The waiter flushed. "Those kids were SeeDs?" "The lady is a couple terms short of graduation. Not to mention she's Balamb Garden's best and brightest." Enju chuckled a little at seeing the man's face turn pale before continuing, "The young man was her date for the evening, and an honored guest of the Garden." "Age doesn't denote maturity," Kei dug into him. "I'm appalled that you would so blithely lump all people who *appeared* to be a certain age into the same stereotype. What if someone who was in their twenties, but looked to be in their teens came in? Would you toss them out on appearances alone? Never mind that such discrimination has no place in our society. You tarnish Balamb's reputation as a laid-back and friendly town!" Enju placed a hand on her arm. She looked pissed. "Now now, Kei, I'm sure we can settle this without you having to cut him in half... Though I know I wouldn't entirely object to doing it myself." Drawing in a deep breath, she gave the waiter one more long glare before pushing past him to leave. Enju hesitated a moment longer, flashing the waiter another dark smile. He didn't wish to lose her or allow her the chance to change her mind regarding killing him -- but he so desired having the final word on the matter. "Have a nice day, sir," he said to the waiter, giving the man the cold shoulder as he turned and followed on Kei's heels. They left the restaurant, scanning the streets for the two. "Tch, we've lost them," Kei folded her arms across her chest and scanned the surrounding area for signs of Quistis or Kren. "No big deal. We should get back any ways," he replied. The next sentence took a moment to build the resolve to say. "I admit that the guy back there needed a swift kick in the ass, but he pissed you off a little more than I expected." Kei snorted, still very much angry. "You learn to hate people who don't look beyond appearances when you're so obviously different than everyone else. Balamb Garden is a haven from such narrow-minded thinking. But places like Galbadia strongly harbor hate of those who aren't homegrown. People should be judged on an individual basis." An eyebrow arched at her choice of wording. "Judged?" She nodded firmly once, then began walking towards edge of town. "Let's go." What she said made sense, but she felt it so passionately. She shouldn't allow a backwards person like that to get under her skin. And her choice of words... Enju smirked. It was likely Alexander speaking. ***** The next morning found Quistis and Kren in the training room waiting for her private session with Xu. The final months leading up to graduation were the most intensive in the realm of physical and magical training. Her private sessions over the last month had consisted primarily of practicing her Limit Skill. There was very little new for her to learn from the monsters that lived in the Training Center, but she could practice using the techniques she knew. The only way for her to truly practice Blue Magic was to go out into the world and study monsters. Out of Xu's office came the Instructor and Eugene. They joined the two students by the doorway. "Good morning!" Eugene greeted warmly. "Do you mind if I join you for your session? I'm trying to regain my edge after being away from combat for so long. I'd like to go with a group rather then on my own. Much safer that way." "The more, the merrier," Quistis agreed. She hadn't the opportunity to speak with him in more than passing since he returned. The Training Center wasn't the place for catching up, but maybe they could have lunch together afterwards. Xu echoed Eugene's greeting, then shook her head. "I'm sorry, Quistis, but Kren can't come with us," Xu repeated her apology to Kren in Anshin. Quistis understood why he couldn't join her during her training session in the Center. He would be a serious liability to their party, especially if his beliefs prompted him to do something foolish. "I'll call for Kei to escort you while we're gone," Xu offered. Kren was agreeable to the idea. Who would turn down the opportunity to be guided by a Spirit? He watched with silent admiration as they did their warm up exercises. A part of him that was morbidly curious wondered what they did in their Training Center. He knew intellectually that they killed monsters there, but having never seen a battle before he couldn't imagine how. His dubiousness of this feat increased when he saw the size of the weapons that the Spirit of Protection used. Surely there was some magic involved if she was capable of defending herself with a pair of oversized forks. "Kei will be here soon. Don't get into too much trouble while we're away," Xu gave his shoulder a friendly squeeze before leading them out of the room. He looked around before finding an out of the way spot to sit against the wall. The Shumi Instructors that Kwis got along with so well were watching over their students. He was so mesmerized by their activities that he didn't notice the Spirit sitting down next to him. "You like watching them train?" She inquired. "It's almost like a dance," he pointed out. "That it is," she agreed. "Ready to go? They'll be in there for a couple hours if I know them." He nodded and stood up. So far he didn't have much of a chance to spend time alone with either Spirit. Obviously they were both important people who lacked the time to waste on babysitting them. This wasn't something that offended him or his friends. Getting to spend any time at all in the presence of the Spirits was considered an honor. The fact that he'd have the morning with one thrilled him. The Spirit maintained light conversation with him, asking how he liked the Garden and if he was following the classes he sat in on. The language barrier wasn't as high for him as it was for some of the others. Besides, some subjects (like math) were a language all unto themselves. He could follow the display and keep up without being able to understand a word of what the Instructor at the front of the room was saying. As for the school, it was beautiful place. The lushness of the plants and shear amount of flowing water in fountains and pools was staggering. It was a sharp contrast to the desert he'd grown up in. If he had to imagine the place that the Spirits lived, it would be here. Though he must admit that he wouldn't have been able to picture the existence of such a place prior to seeing it. He'd never seen anything close to it that could have inspired his imagination to such a level. And everyone here was so nice. The students did their best to make him and his friends feel welcome. Especially Kwis. He was fond of her. Her looks were likewise something he wouldn't have been able to imagine prior to arriving here. The exoticness of her nature appealed to him. She was smart, thoughtful, and patient. In his mind, she was too nice to be at a school for killers. He tried to ignore that aspect of this place. This beautiful haven shouldn't have such an edge to it. At this point, if they were here, the elders would remind him that looks could be very deceiving. There was no doubt of that. The Spirit of Protection was such a petite woman, but she'd been there to guide them home! Guiltily he gave the Spirit of Justice a sideways glance. He constantly had to remind himself that she was a female. She carried herself like a man. And had adopted what he'd come to recognize as the characteristics of man in this society. But she was most definitely a woman. "Kren, I want to speak with you regarding Quistis." The Spirit said her name so easily! He'd been practicing when his friend wasn't around, wanting to pronounce her name the way she did. But it remained a tongue twister to him. "What about her?" He asked politely. Kei stopped walking and brought her hand up to stroke her nose briefly. "Xu told me not to interfere, but I think you should know a few things before you chase after her too seriously. The first is that being SeeD is her dream. It's what she's strived for all her life. Pursue her knowing that her actions at some point will be contradictory to how you were raised. "The second obstacle is that she's rather fond of meat. She won't give that up for long," the Spirit winked at him. "And the third problem is storming towards us as we speak," she nodded her head down the hallway. A somewhat scary-looking cadet was homing in on them. Subconsciously he edged himself a half step behind the Spirit. Justice would protect him if things took a turn for the worse. Once the cadet was closer, Kren recognized him as being one of the cadets that seemed to follow in Kwis' shadow. The cadet towered over both him and the Spirit, a pair of sunglasses hiding his eyes. The young man stopped in front of them and said something to Kei. She responded and nodded to Kren. The cadet positioned himself squarely in front of Kren with his arms crossed. After looking him up and down with what felt like scrutinizing glare, he reached up and slowly removed his shades. Kren swallowed hard in finding that the guy's eyes looked scarier than the rest of him. Kei tried not to laugh, seeing how hard Enju was trying to intimidate the poor kid. The cadet tucked the sunglasses into his uniform pocket and then stuck his hand out. "Enju." "Kren," he answered, reluctantly taking the offered hand. It was a greeting he still wasn't accustomed to. He said something that involved Quistis, but he spoke too quickly for Kren to follow. He turned to the Spirit with a puzzled look. He hated depending upon them as translators, but it could take all day for him and Enju to hold a brief conversation without their intervention. "Enju advises keeping your interest in Quistis to that of only friendship unless you wish to return to the Path prematurely." The blood drained from Kren's face. Upon seeing his reaction, Enju crossed his arms and smirked. Kren could see his pale reflection in the forearm armor that he wore. "Have- Have I offended him?" Kren stammered. He'd done nothing that he could recall. Someone threatening his life was uncalled for! "The Spirit is *very* protective of the one he's claimed," she explained. Somehow he kept himself from falling back, though he was feeling faint. This cadet was a Spirit as well? And he'd had the temerity to pursue his heart's interest. If Kren could find a rock large enough he would crawl under it right about now. Kei said something to Spirit Enju and he nodded slowly, sternly. After another long look he replaced the sunglasses over his eyes, turned around and went back the way he came. "I can't express how sorry I am," Kren hung his head with shame. He'd offended a Spirit. The elders will be furious when they find out. "There's nothing to be sorry about," Justice denied. "Quistis doesn't belong to him. In the end it's her choice and he'll respect that. You can compete with him if you wish, but I doubt you will now..." she let that thought trail off. No, he wouldn't pursue Kwis when a Spirit wanted her also. That would be wrong, no if's, and's or but's about it. "He wouldn't touch you," Kei continued. "He respects Xu and fears me. I've beaten him down twice and I'd gladly do it again." "Why would you do that?" He asked, trying to find a way to get his mind off his transgression. She chuckled lightly and continued walking. "He's my rival." Kren's mouth dropped open. How could such a thing happen? Didn't all the Spirit get along with each other? There were so many things he had yet to learn. And his escort was getting away from him. Setting his bewilderment aside, he caught up with her before she got too much further down the corridor. Maybe these were things he would only understand once he was older? ***** After training with Quistis and Eugene, Xu returned to her office and began the ritual of cleaning her weapon. Skilled hands quickly unwound the cord that was tied around the handle for a better grip. She took simple pleasure from the time spent freeing the weapon of the grime that accumulated during use. Even though she left her office door open while she performed her maintenance few people intruded upon her private time. She was in the process of winding the cord back onto the handle of her second sai when there was a light tapping on the doorframe. Master Talasu, one of the last people she would expect to see at Balamb, bowed politely before stepping in. "Quite a dojo you have here," he commented, looking back over his shoulder to indicate the training room behind him. "I'm impressed by not only the facilities, but by the caliber of fighter being produced. You're putting your resources to good use." A wry smile crossed Xu's lips as she firmly tied the cord. "SeeD produces the finest mercenaries in the world. Would you expect any less?" "From you? No," he admitted with a small smile of his own. The third sai Xu carried into the Center with her hadn't been used during battle, and thus didn't need to be cleaned. She slid the weapons into their pouch and then placed the bag into a drawer. "What brings you here, Master? You're a long way from Deling City." "I get around," he admitted while closing the door behind them. His desire for their conversation to remain private and free from interruption was evident. "I've come to check in on two of my favorite people." "Oh?" She could guess whom he referred, but wanted to let him lead the conversation. The Master would have paced if the small office allowed the room to do so. Since it didn't, he took to leaning against the back of the door instead. "You've been a busy person lately. I'm curious to know how *you* are doing." The inquiry was an open one. She could volunteer as much or as little information as she saw fit. Meeting his intense green eyes, she was certain that he knew what happened in Dollet and of the role Enju played there. "I've seen better days." He nodded sagely. "The more you grow up, the more complicated the world becomes. It's a wonder that anyone chooses to become an adult at all." Xu's mouth tightened as she frowned. His statement was a loaded one to an Anshin. Becoming an adult was a very important part of life to them. He arched a slender, knowing eyebrow. What a frustrating conversation! It was like speaking in subtext with the Headmaster, except that she and Cid were on the same wavelength. "You can no longer run away from the past you left behind," he stated bluntly. "What do you mean?" Xu hedged. "When you look at Quistis, what do you see? I see the future unrestrained by the chains of the past. Without a family or a country to call her own, she isn't tied down by their beliefs. Unlike you," he gave her a meaningful look. "You have some very heavy responsibilities to bear." "Kei and I left the Anshin! The responsibilities I bear are ones I've accepted willingly." "Did you really?" He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Even though she knew him to be nearly twice her age his baby face gave him the appearance of someone only a few years her elder. "Then why do you bear the marks of your kinship?" Xu waved the question off with a flustered gesture. "We didn't have a choice! I-" she faltered. "Kei was pounced by them. She didn't have a choice in the matter." "You didn't have to return. You don't have to return in the upcoming days, but you will." She locked her jaw stubbornly. How the hell did he know so much about her?! "What does it matter?" "You need to accept who you are. You need to be set free like the girl you train with such care." He answered, his eyes holding hers with a depth of compassion she hadn't found there before. "Are you saying I shouldn't return?" He shook his head ruefully. "No, you should embrace who you are. You'll only be free of the chains once you are calm enough to slip out of them. Struggling as you are brings them tighter around you." Taking a deep breath she turned her attention to the stack of papers that sat on her desk. She was finished with the applications Cid wanted her to review and had only to return her results. They were a distraction from what was really on her mind. From what she didn't want to think about. "All the Spirits that I've encountered so far are having the same problems as you. Don't feel alone when it comes to your struggle. I have faith that you'll find the balance between the many roles you are asked to fill," he gave her an encouraging smile. "How do you know so much?" He gave a small shrug. "Let's just say that it's my job to know things. Which brings me to the other reason I've come here. Some people are looking for a student of yours and they won't stop until his death to find him." Xu's heart froze, knowing that he referred to Enju. "You know of whom I speak," nodded with approval. "Then you likewise know what needs to be done. I've delayed them as much as possible, but I doubt we have through the end of the month. Our friend has been warned of his peril. For the sake of the Garden you love, encourage him to move along before they find him." Talasu left after delivering his chilling warning. Xu wanted to know who exactly was after Enju. Maybe if they could preemptively strike they could protect him and the Garden. But the idea was a futile one. The Headmaster would never approve an unprovoked attack that could very well start a 'war'. She didn't want Enju to leave, not after he found what he was looking for. He deserved a chance at a good life as much as the next person did. She should warn the Headmaster if he wasn't made aware of the situation already. A part of her suspected that Talasu and Cid had a history that went back a ways. Talasu's words rolled around in her mind and jumbled with her already conflicting thoughts. Closing her eyes, she summoned her Puzzle Stone. The clutter of the real world gave way to the blissful darkness that engulfed her mind. Carbuncle was waiting for her when she entered her workshop. Bending over, she picked the small creature up and carried it with her to the workbench. It thwapped its tail happily at getting to see her, as it always did. Playfully she scrubbed the tuff of fur on the top of its head. "I can only be who I am," she reasoned to the creature whose wide eyes held her with complete regard. She turned away from the bench and began to pace while speaking more to herself than to her companion. "But what am I..?" She began ticking off the list. "I am a SeeD. It is my duty to faithfully carry out the orders of my superiors. "I am a Master. I have to train those who look to me because that knowledge may someday save their life. "I am an Instructor. I must teach my students to the best of my abilities. SeeD's future depends upon my ability to raise intelligent members." She paused in her pacing to take a deep breath, and then continued with renewed purpose. "I am an Anshin. I can't deny the blood that runs through my veins. Even so, there is more to it than that. I don't agree with all of the clan's precepts and I never will. Those that I find to be agreeable I will honor, but I won't allow myself to be held back. "I am a Spirit. That's a difficult thing to admit. Especially since I'm not sure what all it entails. Whenever I've seen someone at risk, I've wanted to protect them. If that's the Spirit part of me or what, I don't know. I have a feeling that it will take me years to uncover the depth of what it means." Carbuncle gave the flat surface it sat on a single solid thwap. Apparently it was agreeing with her statement that a Spirit couldn't be trained in a day. "I am a woman. Not only in a physical sense, but emotionally as well. It's not right to starve that part of me because it makes me 'weak'. There is strength to be found in something delicate, and joy in exploring what makes me happy. "I am your partner." She stopped pacing to speak directly to Carbuncle. "Again, I doubt I understand the depth of what that means. So I ask you to be patient as I learn to be the best I can for the both of us. "All these things and more make up me... Shuu..." she said her name softly, pronouncing it in the Anshin manner. She was so used to standard that she sometimes forgot how her own name sounded. The softness of its pronunciation was usually glossed over by the harsher language. But it felt important... "Shuu..." Carbuncle echoed. She pulled a stool out from under the edge of the bench and sat down. With elbows firmly placed on the bench and her head cradled in her hands, tears slipped down her cheeks. Carbuncle waddled over and embraced her head with its short forearms. It projected vast amounts of comfort, love, and admiration for her admission. She still felt so uncertain, so scared of what she was becoming (or had already become). For the first time in her life the future was a frightening thing. She wanted to know that things would work out for the better, but that was an assurance no one could make. She wouldn't be alone in her struggle -- that was one promise that could be made. Carbuncle rubbed its muzzle in her hair. It would stay with her until she left this world and returned to the Path. Was there a Path of Life? Carbuncle seemed to think so, but such a legend was difficult to believe. The creature nuzzled her again. Now wasn't the time to be worrying about such things. "Thank you..." ***** Cid quickly glanced over the list of applicants the SeeD standing before him had selected. He was pleased by the fact that Xu's list matched the one he had already created with few exceptions. Once again his decision to draft her as his personal aide (whether she realized it or not) was proven to be a solid one. He couldn't wait to tell Kadowaki about how inline their thinking was. Of course, the good Doctor would then say something sensible like, 'It should be! You trained her to be that way!' But that couldn't be further from the truth. Xu was a very independent woman. Independent without her cousin's querulous tendencies, he amended. Her report regarding her discussion with Master Talasu was enlightening. He knew that Talasu had to have a reason beyond checking in on Quistis for visiting the Garden. It did distress him to learn that someone was on Enju's trail. He'd hoped to eradicate the cadet's past and give him a new life in SeeD, but it didn't look like that would be the case. Thus, Kei's suggestion of taking him to Centra seemed all the more vital. So far everyone he'd sent there had come back a changed person. It would be interesting to see how the violent cadet would handled being in the company of absolute pacifist for a week. Once they had returned from the trip, they could discuss what to do with him. Maybe sending him off to Trabia would give him the break he needed... The idea that Carbuncle had modified the nature of Xu's Limit intrigued Cid. He'd never heard of a Guardian Force bonding with a person in such an intimate manner. And to think that it was likewise true for Kei and Alexander. Xu hazard that Enju and Diablos shared a similar bond, but that theory had yet to be tested. She offered to demonstrate her Limit for him at his convenience. It was something he would certainly like to see, but not today. For all the topics that Xu covered she hadn't made mention of Dollet. The government had contacted him requesting that the SeeDs involved with their operation be given commendations. It was something he was already considering, but wondered if it would be wise. There was no question the Eugene would be receiving a promotion and pay raise next time he was up for review. But would Xu accept a similar reward without feeling guilty? The subject was an uneasy one for him. Kadowaki had assured him that Xu would be returning from Centra when it came time, so he needn't fear that. But there was still a cloud hanging between them that needed to be dispersed. He brushed his hand through his hair in a nervous gesture. His thoughts hadn't even been on what she was saying for the last several minutes. Guiltily he forced his mind back to the subject of equipment ordering for the training room. Why was she even asking for approval? He trusted her to order whatever she needed to produce the quality soldiers SeeD was made of. "Do what you must. I trust you to act with the best interests of the Garden firmly in mind," he said. "Thank you, sir," she bobbed her head in agreement. Dear Xu, still so formal when what he wanted was an aide to fill in where he could not. She would be the grease between the gears that ran the Garden. And he couldn't let his bumbling ruin that. "Xu, please, relax," he ran his fingers through his hair again. "I have yet to properly apologize for how I wronged you. I am sorry. It was thoughtless of me to not consider how a mission like Dollet would compromise your sense of honor." She shook her head. "I had agreed to go and the ends did justify the means." "You're a forgiving person. I fear Kei's response were she caught in a similar situation," a wry smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Were Kei such a situation, *someone* would have paid dearly. He wasn't sure who would pay the price, but was certain that she'd find someone to fit the bill. Xu returned his smile with a small laugh. "She's mellowing if you hadn't noticed." "Really? I hadn't," he admitted sheepishly. When a fire raged as much as she did, it was difficult to notice a slight taming of the flames. Especially when that firestorm had so recently cost the Garden nearly a hundred thousand gil in repairs. "Since learning that she was a Spirit, she's been different. As I've been different. And Enju will be different. I'm not the same person I was when I came to the Garden, but I am who I am," she explained thoughtfully. "Hmm," Cid leaned back in his chair. "I would call that 'growth' myself. I hope that you continue doing it for the rest of your life." "Yes, growth, that's one way to look at it. I don't think I'll ever have the luxury of stopping. So count on it." "Very good," Cid shuffled through the stack of papers on his desk before finding the one he was searching for. After scanning what it said once more he handed it to Xu. "Dollet has indicated that they have no further questions for the children so you're free to depart. I'll leave scheduling passage for them and your party to you. Let me know what you've arranged once it's done." She acknowledged his instructions, then looked at the sheet in her hand. The serious expression that she wore did well to disguise the surprise she felt. What she held was a formal notification of promotion, which included a healthy increase in pay. Dollet would have given her any amount asked for. But Cid knew Xu better than that. She wasn't in SeeD for the money, so it was a near meaningless reward. Her reward was the satisfaction of a job well done. "Thank you." Cid smiled. "You earned it Xu. I'm sure that you'll reach A ranking before much longer." "I'd like to," she flushed. She tries so hard, Cid reflected, and burned so brightly. He could only hope that she didn't burn out prematurely. Something drove her and he wanted to help her discover that something as much as she wished to help SeeD. It was a relationship that would work out well for both of them if he had his way. ----- Please visit our website at